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Who still has their buck tag?


Senior Member
Athens County
I do. Just wondering everyones plan who's still lookin to fill that tag.

Ive been slayin does thus week at my "way too many deer" property, but ill b back at the main farm this week.
Gonna start running the cams hard And hopefully get verification the buck im after is still kickin it.

Also got a new db blind showing up tuesdaywhich i plan on doing most of my late season hunting from. Have hardly hunted out of a blind before so im lookin forward to the change.

Whats everyone elses late season strategy?



Senior Member
I'll be after a few more does. I"m hoping to pattern 1 on the trail cam behind the house. Something About shooting a doe with my recurve in the snow sounds cool. Find the food and you will have deer. Goodluck to you.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I've still got mine. With gun week now done, I'm sure my tactics are gonna have to change. I'm headed out tonight after work to check my camera and make a decision on where I'm headed to in the morning. If there's nothing good on the cam, I'm gonna drag my ass outta bed early, and head for the thick stuff hoping to catch them movning on their way back to bed. With the temps being the lowest they have been this season, I expect them to be moving.

I think my late season strategy is gonna be running the camera over corn and take inventory of who made it through the first week of war. I'm hoping the deer stay close and I can finally get the wife a chance at a deer. I'm gonna hold tight to ghe thick stuff in hopes of catching a big boy slipping through looking for some late season lovin'


Senior Member
Yup, still got mine.

54 hours in the woods and I've only seen 1 buck, a big bodied 6 pointer.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Still got mine, had my chances to fill it. But i'll be hittin the woods as much as possible here on out. hopefully get set up by a corn feild.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Still have mine. Just like others have said, will be getting the corn and cameras out with hopes of figuring one out and getting on him late season.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Still got mine. I hunted that big old buck all week and never saw him once. And I mean all week. Sad thing is he was at my cam and corn pile every night. There's a 120 acre field of switch grass that's 6 foot tall and you can't see a deer when they're in it. Tonight I had 4 doe step out of it 10 foot away and did'nt even know they were coming toward me. He's in there but he's not coming out till dark. I don't know if I should get one of them turtle box blinds and set it out in the field and hunt out of that or what the heck to do. If I'm gonna kill em its gonna be in the am catching him going to his bedding area. That was my strategy all week but we see how that turned out......
Mine is probely not going to be used
My buck was shot , but not taggable due to me not finding it till the Yote's had their fill

So unless I see a wounded buck or a buck of a life time
I feel it is OK to save the tag and use it for soup

Just no need IMO to stick a buck , just to say I got my buck

Not saying it is wrong for others to take a smaller one

My freezer is mostly full



Junior Member
Maumee, OH
yeah, I still got my buck tag. I hope the gun season moved a big boy into my area, and he is crushing the corn pile.