I only scanned it, not sure I agree with Toby Bridges but it is a good read from his perspective. When I get some time I'll read it better and maybe comment.
I read it. I took away that he is getting grumpy with years. Muzzleloading is something I think most do as an "also". Bowhunting is how many identify themselves, even though they may hunt with all legal weapons. There is just a difference somewhere.
Which came first: the bow hunter or the bow season? If Ohio had a 4 day archery season in January instead of 5 months how many bow hunters would there be? I'm willing to bet the only reason 80-90% of bow hunters use a bow is because of the way the season is set so favorable to the use of a bow.
Which came first: the bow hunter or the bow season? If Ohio had a 4 day archery season in January instead of 5 months how many bow hunters would there be? I'm willing to bet the only reason 80-90% of bow hunters use a bow is because of the way the season is set so favorable to the use of a bow.
TB isn't my favorite writer but I do think he has a point that muzzleloader hunting lacks organization. Muzzleloader hunters seem to be along for the ride in many places like Ohio. This new October ML season is a case in point, I don't believe there was any hunter group pushing for it, especially no ML group. in fact some hunter groups were actively opposing it. I don't believe there was any ML group involved in move the ML season from Jan to Dec and back again.
Bow hunters are much better organized.
That was the wet dream of farm bureau. They were also the ones who put up such a fight about the bonus gun going away. By fight I mean using their political pawns in their pocket.
Like I said we are just along for the ride.
The ODNR sold the farm bureau on the stated concept that the early MZ season replacing the 2 day bonus gun season would increase the overall harvest and the harvest would be limited to the baby makers thus further reducing the overall population.
This increased harvest was clearly stated as a motivation and a goal of the replacing one season with the another. I think it remains to be seen if they accomplish their stated goal with this new season.
And as I've told you. Don't believe half of what you hear, especially from the ODNR. If you listen to their press releases you'd believe we have 750,000 deer. They didn't want us hunting Turks after noon because we might disturb them on the nest. If thats true then a couple years ago they must have quit nesting after noon the last two weeks. Lol. And EHD was locally isolated to very small pockets Lol. And my favorite harvest was down because we had a great mast season, or was it a poor mast season. That's right. They used both excuses on separate years to try and explain lower harvest totals.
. And my favorite harvest was down because we had a great mast season, or was it a poor mast season. That's right. They used both excuses on separate years to try and explain lower harvest totals.
Which came first: the bow hunter or the bow season? If Ohio had a 4 day archery season in January instead of 5 months how many bow hunters would there be? I'm willing to bet the only reason 80-90% of bow hunters use a bow is because of the way the season is set so favorable to the use of a bow.
I think that the kill was down because hunters were stupid and lazy could be a contender for the best excuse.