If it comes and goes, it's you, not your equipment. Kisser buttons can help with the situation I'd bet you are dealing with. My guess is you are peaking or not following through with the shot properly. I say this because that is the most common issue with poor shooting that "comes and goes". A kisser can help only because it makes it painfully obvious when you do not follow through. If you pull your head off, you'll know it. If you let the string creep forward, you'll know it. If you anchor differently, you'll know it. You'll get accustomed to how the kisser feels at full draw, you should not notice any change in that feel. It's there, then it isn't. You shouldn't feel it move or you're doing something wrong. Kissers can be handy, but they will not fix your problems if you do not pay attention to what they tell you. It's entirely possible to not follow through a shot even with a half dozen checks to keep you anchored solidly. In simple terms, try to keep your pin on the target until AFTER the arrow hits. You can't do it, but if you try, your groups will likely improve. At least give it a try before adding gadgets. And that's not a dig on kissers... I often add one to my bowstring for late season hunting as it helps to maintain a good anchor when I'm wearing cold weather gear, they do help at times.