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Live from the stand!

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There are not many places on this farm with that kind of view, but yeah, I'm loving this spot! This wheat field is on a flat top hill, either side of it and your back in the gullies. It's a sweet set up! It's actually 546 yards across there... :) It isn't "Fayette Co-kinda flat", but it does provide a good vantage!


Columbus, OH
Went out this evening. Rained on and off all evening. Seen 0 deer. I thought for sure I would catch something moving in between rains but that wasn't the case. Very frustrating to sit in the rain and see nothing. Had my bow with me. Didn't want to take a chance and have the muzzy mess up in the rain


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
500 yards??? Dang, you flat landers would hate the views here. Most are 30 yards. 100 tops. Lol

There are places you can see further. Drake or Gern probably have some places like this or Redhunter. I know I do. Sounds great. Try sneaking into bow range from 3-500yds. Yet, deer still sneak up on you at times.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There are places you can see further. Drake or Gern probably have some places like this or Redhunter. I know I do. Sounds great. Try sneaking into bow range from 3-500yds. Yet, deer still sneak up on you at times.

There is one stand on the Fayette farm that sits in a waterway. The view from there is in terms of miles vs. yards. Yet somehow, I've had deer walk under me before I saw them coming. That makes you feel a little inadequate.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Sat in the blind all day and saw nothing, zero, zip, nada, my 15 year old son spent 3 hours in the blind and 6 in the ladder stand that has a instant roof and saw nothing. Gotta give it to the boy he is putting in his seat time. I really hate it for him, I have a buck, I want him to get something, looks like the trip home to North Carolina will be put off till Monday and the boys will be missing a day of school. I sure hope momma don't get too upset with me.
Still raining. We're gearing up for some still hunting/ deer pushing in an hour or so. We'll see what happens. I think my bones are still soaked from yesterday's rain. Lol. With all this rain, we may just be huntin gators! Choot em! Hahah. Good luck today guys.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Saw four bucks tonight. We didn't shoot any, though one was pretty nice. He may not survive tomorrow if he shows again.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Well my middle son Caleb finally got one yesterday, a nice big doe but he was pumped because it was his first deer. He was going to the blind and jumped them up, he took a shot fee hand at 80 yards and nailed her. image.jpg
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