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Quitin' dipin'


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Congrats on the move to set the example for the little ones John. That is ultimately what helped me to quit smoking about 7 years ago. I knew in my heart that I didn't want my kids smoking when they grew up, so I also knew how hypocritical it would be for me to stand there and say "I really wish you wouldn't do that!" while I had a cigarette hanging from my mouth.

Hold strong and stand your ground. It will be worth it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I usually spike from about the time I finish breakfast and my coffee until I fall asleep. Maybe 1/3 nights I fall asleep with a chew in. My dentist asks me what I do to keep my teeth cavity free. I told him it was my high sugar and chew intake. bahhhaaaa. Finally got my first cavity filled two years ago. Dentist said nothing to do with chew or anything. Something about a pit in the side which is a common hereditary thing. Eventually the teeth just wear down a bit until you need them filled. Wasn't on top of the tooth but on the side. Oh well. One cavity in 35yrs isn't so bad I guess. Good luck John!


Senior Member
I usually spike from about the time I finish breakfast and my coffee until I fall asleep. Maybe 1/3 nights I fall asleep with a chew in.

There are few things better than starting your day off with skoal wintergreen and a cup of coffee....not so sure about falling asleep with one in though.

Sorry, should be keeping it supportive for John - keep it up buddy!


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I quit January 8th 1998. The first time I chewed/dipped was only for a few years in high school. When I joined the Marine Corps I started again and dipped/chewed for 12 years. I was a flat out addict. I didn't shit, shower, cook, do dishes, drive, work, cook out, hunt, fish, or much of anything with out a chew or dip in. Shoot about the only time didn't have a chew in my mouth was when I was getting laid, sleeping, and while eating.

Quitting was by far the most challenging thing I've ever done, but if you really want to do it (I mean from your internal core desire) then you'll do it. What helped me during the first week or two was nicorette gum. I had a friend who worked on Air Force One and he gave me a couple boxes.

Keep at it!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Hope all is going as well as can be expected JJ.
Hang in there. Yer doing the right thing.


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Had a couple urges today, but they aren't nearly at the level they were yesterday. I'm figuring they are about 10% of what they were. I've only got the urge when I saw a can on a coworkers desk. I think I'm good to go now. As many times as I have tried to quit in the past and failed, I certainly know by now that the mentality of "one time won't hurt" certainly is fatal.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Awesome John! You are going to be a new man by 2012! Between the exercise and quitting chewing, you are hitting it hard! Good for you!


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Awesome John! You are going to be a new man by 2012! Between the exercise and quitting chewing, you are hitting it hard! Good for you!

That's my goal...a new man by the time I hit 30 this August. BTW, I still haven't come to terms with being 30 this year. *Depressed*


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Depressed with the number 30? Nonsense. Look at it this way: You are twenty nine and five months now. Have you not already lived the majority of thirty years? In August the only thing that is going to change is the number! It is just another day.

Here is my theory on ages for adults: Once you have kids you are all the same age. If you have kids at 20 or 40, we all share the same responsibilities and lifestyles until our kids are grown and gone. Age doesn't matter at this point. You are "parent age". I don't care what the number is. I am looking forward to every passing year and enjoying watching my kids grow and learn and constantly surprise me. Someday, they will be gone and I will move into the next age bracket. I think this age bracket is where I will be depressed. Then some day one of them will tell me I am going to be a Grandpa and the depression will be released. Am I close on this one CJD and the "more experienced" gang?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Depressed with the number 30? Nonsense. Look at it this way: You are twenty nine and five months now. Have you not already lived the majority of thirty years? In August the only thing that is going to change is the number! It is just another day.

Here is my theory on ages for adults: Once you have kids you are all the same age. If you have kids at 20 or 40, we all share the same responsibilities and lifestyles until our kids are grown and gone. Age doesn't matter at this point. You are "parent age". I don't care what the number is. I am looking forward to every passing year and enjoying watching my kids grow and learn and constantly surprise me. Someday, they will be gone and I will move into the next age bracket. I think this age bracket is where I will be depressed. Then some day one of them will tell me I am going to be a Grandpa and the depression will be released. Am I close on this one CJD and the "more experienced" gang?

:smiley_clap: We have our own Dr. Keith Ablow in Phil! Very well said Phil. Thought the same thing but never expressed it.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Too be honest I thought that as I got older the differant age brackets would bother me..... But I can honestly sit here and say not one birthday ever bothered me up too this point in my life.... Going too be 52 this year and will be retireing in 4 years and as of right now I can't wait for it too get here.... You never want too wish away years but I can't wait for the next chapter..... I'm been planning my whole life for it and can't wait too see it.... I'm just hoping that the health of my wife and my self give us the time we'd like too enjoy it..... So far so good..... So too worry or frett ove the age of 30????? Don't sweat it and just enjoy the next chapter of a long life.... But and there's always a but.... Make plenty of good choices too make the final chapter of you life a good one.... We all deserve it....


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Dang, I didnt know I was that much older than all you guys, Ill turn 34 on Feb.1 I dont even really pay that much attention to how old I am. I never really like to celebratet hem anyways. I am as old as I feel and right now I feel like I am still in my early 20's. I would like to keep it that way for a while.