You can throw my two youngins in. My boy Have and my daughter Karly. Don't know how much I will get them out with sports and such but I bought them tags.
I didn't intend to buy a tag this season since I only got out once last year, and it doesn't look like this year is going to be any better. Having said that, I bought a tag today, so go ahead and sign me up for the contest.
Add Karissa to the list. She's 17 now and will be 18 on 5-3-15 so put her where ever you deem suitable. Doubt we'll both be able to get out as much as we'd like but it only takes one day as they say.
Put me down, add Andrew and Addison to youth as well i guess...
Wasn't going to "play"this yr due to kids playing on 5 baseball/softball teams but what the heck....
Didn't get the drawing done last night as my little one caught the stomach bug and has been throwing up. That said...I am ready! Need someone to toss me out a number between 1 and 50 for the number of simulations I will run on the random number generator to pick the teams. So who has a number for me? First to post is the number I will go with.
So if buck whisperer and myself are hunting together and I call a bird in and he shoots it, I can get the points. Then when I kill one I can still enter that bird and get those points for my team also?