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Staff member
So I dealt with my fair share of acne in high school and still get the occasional zit on my face. The past year has been hell of back acne. I shower every day. We change our sheets regularly. I stopped drinking pop and eating fried foods. For the life of me, I can't pinpoint the cause. Anyone else have this problem and find a solution?


HAHA. Knew that was coming. If I were on roids, I'd be taking mirror selfies like Gecko. lmao

I found that a good multi vitamin and about 1 gallon of water a day helped me out. Also your skin may be breaking out do to a lack of natural moisturizer in your skin, which results in a increase production of oil in your skin which will clog your pours resulting in pimples. Maybe try putting lotion on after showers?


Staff member
Haven't tried lotion. I do take a multivitamin and drink 3 quarts of water a day. I have contemplated a back scrubber and some sort of acne body wash. Problem is that stuff always dried my face out and made break outs worse. I get big old painful ones on my back and it is pretty constant.


Haven't tried lotion. I do take a multivitamin and drink 3 quarts of water a day. I have contemplated a back scrubber and some sort of acne body wash. Problem is that stuff always dried my face out and made break outs worse. I get big old painful ones on my back and it is pretty constant.

Try using a loofa. It doesn't hold oil at all and would really help as a scrubber/ cleaner. Or one of those loofa on a stick things might help too. But a non scented lotion would help, I would recommend cocobutter if you don't mind spending the extra money. It doesn't leave that oilly residue some lotions do and a little goes a long way. That may be the problem is overdried out skin.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have oily skin and struggled with acne for a long time. I still break out from time to time. I discovered that washing extra was the worst thing I could do. All the fancy medicated acne soaps did more harm than good. Washing away the skins natural oils simply made my pores excrete more and then they clogged up. Thosr natural oils keep your face hydrated and are a natural defense against bacteria and foreign material. I haven't used soap on my face in almost 2 years now. I just simply rub my face with warm water in the shower and before bed. The advertising hype of all the acne washes and pore cleansers and whatnot leads many people to believe that they NEED them for a clean face. I thought it for years. But, have you ever seen a young child with bad skin? They hardly ever wash their face! It's when we become teenagers that we're led to believe we need stridex and biore shit... And we just make it worse.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It's ur increased truck time. Get some wicking or cool cotton undershirts.

That's what I was thinking too.

Jesse. Get some 100% cotton undershirts. Tighter clothing like UA and wife beaters stay fairly tight against the skin. This rubs hairs and opens the hair follicles and makes them susceptible to infection. It also causes ingrown hairs due to the constant rubbing and compression. Stay away from the cheap shit like Hanes and fruit of the loom. They don't last as long and in the long run will cost you the same as more expensive shirts. I like the jockey brand undershirts personally but also own some polo, Geoffrey benea etc. If you have a marshals near by that's a good place to find the higher quality designer undershirts at good prices.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have oily skin and struggled with acne for a long time. I still break out from time to time. I discovered that washing extra was the worst thing I could do. All the fancy medicated acne soaps did more harm than good. Washing away the skins natural oils simply made my pores excrete more and then they clogged up. Thosr natural oils keep your face hydrated and are a natural defense against bacteria and foreign material. I haven't used soap on my face in almost 2 years now. I just simply rub my face with warm water in the shower and before bed. The advertising hype of all the acne washes and pore cleansers and whatnot leads many people to believe that they NEED them for a clean face. I thought it for years. But, have you ever seen a young child with bad skin? They hardly ever wash their face! It's when we become teenagers that we're led to believe we need stridex and biore shit... And we just make it worse.

Agreed. I would stay away from scrubbing and products. Always seemed to make it worse for me also.


That's what I was thinking too.

Jesse. Get some 100% cotton undershirts. Tighter clothing like UA and wife beaters stay fairly tight against the skin. This rubs hairs and opens the hair follicles and makes them susceptible to infection. It also causes ingrown hairs due to the constant rubbing and compression. Stay away from the cheap shit like Hanes and fruit of the loom. They don't last as long and in the long run will cost you the same as more expensive shirts. I like the jockey brand undershirts personally but also own some polo, Geoffrey benea etc. If you have a marshals near by that's a good place to find the higher quality designer undershirts at good prices.

Tj maxx or Marshall should have them for cheap, like 10 bucks for 3. Not to bad of a price for shirts that last a lot longer than cheap ones


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I use Curel for my dried and cracked infected hands. Plus I use it on my feet soles to soften the cracking heal skin.
It's a advanced ceramide therapy. Intensive healing, immediate relief and long lasting moisturization.
Plus I use it on my face for the CPAP face mask irritation sores and it heals it fast.


Well-Known Member
I too have oily skin and have struggled a little with acne. Mine always seemed worse in the summer and worst of all when I would be on vacation. Not sure if it was the sweat, sunscreen, sand, or ocean water. But after a few days I would be broken out all over the backs of my arms and shoulders. I tried some Neutrogena Body Clear with a loofa and it has worked very well. I use it as a daily scrub now and have very few breakouts. Very happy I tried it.


Staff member
Could be Sam. We use Tide Free & Gentle, so you'd think it wouldn't. My wife has an allergy to Tide Mountain Spring, so you never know...


Senior Member
I have the same issue, but it's just on my upper shoulders. I use irish spring soap, best soap out there to fight acne of any sort and it has a mellow scent, not like axe or old spice.