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Close call


*Supporting Member*
as many of you I have my ccw.

Today I stopped for gas in a bad area of cincy. I felt very unsafe and made sure my pistol was on me. As I finished pumping gas some white trash redneck woman asked me for a dollar. I said no and went to get into my car. Her husband started to try to distract me by telling me something about his car and get me to take a look at his car so he could jump in mine.

I jumped in my car and had my pistol in hand he kept coming closer acting very odd. I was able to get out of situation without having to draw my pistol/point it.

I share this because in a split second he could have reached for me, pulled a knife, gun, etc. I know that guy was up to no good.

Heads up out there ppl. It's a crazy world.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, glad you made it out okay Albert.... You never know.... Glad you had your weapon in case it came too it.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for sharing Al. As with many situations like this, the simple awareness of the situation you had is probably what saved you. Never let the guard down. That is a great way to stay safe. Good work man.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What part of Cincy were you in Albert?

Regardless, I'm glad you made it out of that situation like you did!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Glad it worked out OK. Two weeks ago I'm pumping gas in Camden, OH and a guy in a trashed out car pulls up and asked me if I would but couple gallons of gas in his car. I say 'no' and he kept it up and I put my hand on my side and said I'm leaving now. He got my meaning and went to the next guy who said no to. Then he got in his car and went across the street to the next gas station.
It just brings it home how quick it can happen.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
never know what knida crap people are gonna try to pull, when my buddy and i went on a hunting trip, we pulled into the hooin the middle of the night too get gas drug dealers standing on the corner and guys with bandannas around there face i got out too pump gas but before i did i laid the seat back pulled the back seat down and loaded my shotgun then when i got out to pump the gas i opened the back door where i could be ready, the most that was said was look at these white boys. i was re leaved too be back in the car and back on the high way.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Uhm try and stay out of them bad areas kids. Plan your moves so ya don't need gas at midnight in the hood - dang. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS - stay safe


*Supporting Member*
I have no idea what part of cincy it was. I was heading to an apt and it was 11am. Shit can get sketchy fast. I never have been to cincy since k started this job so I don't know the area at all.

Columbus and Cleveland I know much better. Still have my guard up all the time. Just a reminder to all be aware.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
There are places in Dayton that are REALLY sketchy. One place there are always 30 or so "city folk" outside clearly up to no good.
Glad you are ok. I had a guy come running up towards my truck with a gun in his hand at Wal-Mart on the east side of Lima in 2010. I had my Kimber on me and my AR15 in the back seat. My son was in the truck and the guy approached on his side. I didn't want my son in the middle of a shoot out, so I dumped the clutch and bolted. It shook me up.