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Need Yalls Help With a Poacher


Junior Member
Okay so I got this Poacher that has permission to hunt a very small 2 acre tract next to our property. This guy kills 3 to 4 bucks a year in this spot making it very hard for me and my family to manage our 200 Acre property. He's very sneaky, he trespasses and steals my cameras which I have caught him once with a hidden camera but he was wearing a face mask so I couldn't prove it was him. He is talk of the town when it comes deer season of all his bucks that he kills every year but yet he still hasn't got caught. It really sux that this type of person hunts beside us. He has one feeding sight on the property where he kills these bucks coming off our property and I can spit on his corn pile from our fence line. I have reported him to the Game warden multiple times but like I said he is sneaky and hard to catch not to mention we have a very Lazy Game Warden in our District. That Being said, I'm gonna take matters in my own hands. Like I said I can throw a rock and hit his corn pile from our property so I was thinking I could do something to contaminate his spot keeping deer from going to his feed sight? Any Suggestions to keep deer, at least mature Bucks, from his feeding site. I thought About Moth Balls?? Maybe Lining them up on our Fence Line that borders his feed sight (by doing this I'm on my own land which doesn't make me a trespasser lol) anyway, what do Ya'll think or what would you do in this situation ??
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Where is he doing all the butchering at and where is he keeping all the antlers? Legally he has to have a tag for every set of antlers he has, unless he's shooting small bucks and tossing the racks. Still, any meat in the freezer needs to have a tag with it. Who owns the land he's poaching on, are they aware of it?


Junior Member
His house has been searched before by Game wardens which they did confiscate a lot of untagged deer but they pretty much gave him a smack on the hand and a couple fines. The land owners are aware of it but they don't really care what happens to the deer because they destroy there gardens. I'm sure he is still under investigation but that takes time and Im tired of waiting for justice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't know KY laws. In Ohio if you attempt to screw up someone's hunt, you are guilty of a fine as well. Not sure how it is worded. Basically if you mess with their stuff, walk property lines running game off, alter bait piles or anything to tamper with their hunting. . . There is a rule against it. My game warden asked me a lot of questions when I asked about a guy who likes to drive his truck along property lines during gun season only. Several times a day he does it. Wish I could think of the wording he used. He said they as WO have some liberty in how the violation is given BUT they must be able to prove this tampering with your hunting is taking place.

My two cents? Take the higher ground and keep gathering evidence. Stay in communication with the WO regarding this matter. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you choose not to take the high road. . . For gosh sakes, don't write about it on the internet. Lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
That's bullshit. Idk man, there's a lot of crazy people around these days, hard telling what he might do if he catches wind of you messing with him. Would he be the type of dude to start shooting at you while your hunting, mess with your truck, or some type of crazy stuff like that?


Junior Member
I've done some research and cant find any KY Law sayin you cant use deer repellant or alter Bait sites as long as your on your own land you can pretty much do whatever you want. As far as the Guy retaliating well he is the type of person to do something like that but that would just be something else I could can him on if I could show evidence.. I dunno its just a really frustrating situation for me and my family and its got to the point to where we cant even enjoying managing our property and planting food plots without worrying about him shooting every decent buck he sees.


Junior Member
East Ohio
Lowes or home depot for large boxes of nails. sometimes, get some real cheap at garage sails. or take the valve stems out of his car tires. The police could spot large wacky weed growing on his property.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry for your problems. But being a low life as he is I myself surely wouldn't do anything serious against him. Myself and my family needs to sleeps at night without the fear of some low life sneaking around outside my house doing me harm. Hard telling what he could do, burn you out when you are gone or worse yet when you are sleeping, mess with your car or truck.
I would just hope and pray he gets caught for something serious and does some jail time or moves away. If he has permission to hunt next to you because he shoots deer getting in the neighbor's garden why don't you ask the neighbor to shoot the deer?
Just be careful.


Deer hunting and Game Warden in the south are a completely different culture than up here. Its not uncommon for old timers in the south to kill 10 bucks a year, game wardens literally just don't care down there and most will not follow through on fines or penalties. I scanned through the deer limits and your only allowed 1 buck right in KY? I'm not going to lie in NC your situation was extremely common. Let me ask you this, if he was not trepassing, stealing or killing to many bucks and this guy was border hunting and killing nice deer would you still be mad? I hate it for ya, I am going to take a shot in the dark and say this guy probably doesnt work and he has time as a advantage as well.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Why not find a way to keep the deer out of those people's gardens? Then they wouldn't have a want for this guy to be around. We use chunks of Irish Spring. I know some other people that keep a small radio under a bucket.


Senior Member
use dummy cams and hang your cams high up in the tree. or hunt him like deer... figure out how he gets onto your prop and hang the cams high. Or get sneaky and take pics of him at his truck then hoping he tampers with your cams the same day. If you get pics of him at his truck, then him on your cam in the same time period I think that's enough evidence.

If that doesn't word there's always S, S,and S...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I agree with Phil. Some things are best kept off the internet. There is always a slight chance he would listen a little better if 4-6 guys explained it to him. I heard I have the same situation going on. Just not able to prove it as of yet. I myself have taken the quiet approach, hoping he gets careless and slips up.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
If the WO would friggin stop wrist slapping and confiscate weapons and suspended the fishing/hunting licenses for 3-5 years it would keep them out of the game!

Sorry you're going thru this shit! Hope it gets resolved soon for ya!