Not TOO far behind for me, stands are hung, cams are out, been practicing since May shooting, starting at 60 than moving back to 80 than to 40, 30 then 20. I shoot 3 arrow groups, usually 2-3 warm up rounds than if I am shooting money at 60 back to 80 to shoot a couple groups, about 3-4 and once I feel I am shooting a good group, 5 inch circle group at 80, than I grab the arrows and drop one at 20 and one at 30 and start at 40 and if I shoot money every time I'm done for the day but if I don't hit the 2 inch circle at 40, 30, 20 every time I keep shooting till I do than I call it for the day. I do this about 4 days a week. Than if I have some free time left over I shoot a vegas 3 to practice for a tournament I have to do online. I do have to trim lanes but I will do that next when I check the camera on the 26th of August.