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Bucks and Apples?


Junior Member
Anybody ever had apples spook a buck? Had a mature buck coming in for a month now, I dropped a 5 gallon bucket of apples and he hasn't been back since, going on a week now and he was coming almost every day? Anybody had this happen to them and if you have did the buck ever start eating them>


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
...........or it's just a coincidence that he didn't show cuz he has other places that he feeds at and will prolly be back shortly.
Was he feeding at night or daytime? How often you been walking in pulling cards and adding bait? He'll be back,IMO. Were you having other deer feeding there?


Like the other have said. Its not the apples. It is a natural occuring scent that has a sweet aroma and deer naturally tend to check out smells a lot. It was probably a coincidence that when you put those out that he found another spot he wants to feed at. They don't tend to stay in one spot. They will move and feed based on what they want to eat that second. Just make sure you only check the cam once every week or 2 and stay out of there for the most part. Don't worry he most likely be back or is still in the area just not taking pictures.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Are you around beans and not corn. The bucks are switching from beans to corn right now. He could have made the flip and be somewhere else.
Like others have said, not likely the apples alone. A lot of things going on for them soon with crops changing, velvet soon beginning to peel, etc.. The container you had the apples in, was it clean and have no oil or anything that may taint the apples?


Junior Member
Thanks for the input,.. I always wear rubber boots in and spray down, wear rubber gloves all that good stuff to keep my scent down and check my cam about every 7 to 10 days. The apples have been in a clean metal bucket in my garage and the other deer are eating them as well as another buck around 140".. .. There is no crops within 5 mile radius, just clover fields... he actually showed back up as soon as all the apples were gone. I'm going to check my cam again today but now I'm skeptical about putting apples back out. I have been feeding him corn since June and I figured I would change up the food a little to keep him interested in the area and not get burnt out on the corn.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i have noticed before they peel there velvet they will not be as active in front of my cams then they make it back around soon after. i hope he shows back up


i have noticed before they peel there velvet they will not be as active in front of my cams then they make it back around soon after. i hope he shows back up
I notice the same thing, for about 3-4 days some bucks will "disappear" than all of a sudden they come back hard horned


Junior Member
pic of ad and kickers.jpg

The one im talkin about is the big 8 on the right. I know from previous years and trail cam pics he I at least 4 1/2 years old. I don't understand what this bucks deal is with apples. I checked my camera again today he stayed gone for another 3 to 4 days and came back as soon as the last apple was eatin again. Maybe its just a coincidence he just started a different pattern when I decide to put apples out but the other buck on the left loves them , he shows up every single day now.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
It's possible that buck has has a "near miss" at an apple pile before. I would keep the apples as it is most likely a coincidence. You will know more soon.


Junior Member
That's true too, Im gonna keep it out for a few more days then check it, season comes in next weekend so If he still hasn't come back im just gonna put corn out


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Putting out corn could also draw in more coon and that leads to many more unwanted pics to scroll thru TOO.....just sayin


Dignitary Member
Staff member
[ QUOTE=finelyshedded;416463]Putting out corn could also draw in more coon and that leads to many more unwanted pics to scroll thru TOO.....just sayin[/QUOTE]

I found the best thing with coons is to hang the cam higher and shoot over them. About chest high should do it. You'll get pics of the deer from about knees up, and if their heads down eating you won't see the rack but it works. Deer don't keep their head down long anyway. They always take a bite and swing their head back up quick to chew.