I believe more bucks are being passed on versus ten years ago, due to more people looking to kill big bucks, but I disagree that the majority are in are ,"brown is down" mode. I believe anyone who has spent the last ten years in the woods realizes the decline in population. The problem comes from new, uneducated hunters, and the guys who only hunt gun season, IMO. There are too many relying on the DNR to tell us how many deer we should kill, and because of this, the people that don't know any better kill what they are told they can kill rather than what's best for their local herd. The DNR is just a puppet, someone else is pulling the strings. It seems pretty clear to me who it is, but apparently enough can't see it.
As hunters, we need to take it upon ourselves to get the word out and try to get more people to understand that just because the state says you can kill six deer doesn't mean you should.