do yourself an experment,get 3 feeders and put them at different places ,perfirably on different tracks of land, two spinners and one gravity, set frist spinner to go off at 2pm , set next spinner to go off at 2am, then put cams on all, watch what happens,2pm will go nocturnal quickly, 2am will have less mature deer but daytime movement on younger deer, gravity or no feeder(just putting corn out) will consistantly have deer all night and a lot of movement during the day,thinking we are going to keep it as naturale as possible,plant anything green for late season, rye,oats,clover,turnips, plant old road beds, pastures(with landowners permission,)then not frequnt the area as much, hunt trails leading to and from food,i think cam will spook old mature bucks if not the corect ones, just because it;s black-out dosen;t mean the deer can;t see it glow,( take one go in bathroom close door set it up facing mirrow turn out lights and watch the mirrow,), brush them in or set them high,remember during the rut all bets are off, never know when or where he will show,