A deer doesn't know the difference between 50 and 500 lbs of corn. The likely reason that works for them is the amount of does they can attract and hold. Deer will eat you out of house and home if you dump bait and try to always keep bait there. They're like stray cats, start feeding one and keeping food out and you'll eventually have 20. The key is putting out enough so there isn't 3-4 days where no bait is available and they stop checking in. Unlike mature bucks does will visit bait piles with regularity throughout season. If you bait in every doe around the bucks will eventually be there looking for the does. You're effectively baiting the bait. Baiting in all the does to use them as bait for the bucks. This goes to my earlier point of what constitutes baiting. If you're using a group of does around a corn pile that are baiting in bucks, or you're using a group of does in an oak flat that are baiting in bucks. You're baiting either way..
But there is a huge difference, IMO
Firstly, the corn was dumped by a hunter with the idea to draw and kill deer in a certain spot that they strategically placed to where they can slip into undetected easier,monitor with cameras easier and hunt using the wind easier because it's more concentrated or in a smaller spot! Whereas an oak flat or clusters are more spread out,don't yield great or adequate amounts every year or throughout the entire season on a daily basis so the hunter can monitor and know his target buck or doe group
will be there when he has time to hunt!
Cornpiling can be done everyday but eventually acorns run out and the deer move on to other food which as it stands right now, back to a monitored and replenished corn pile. Lol
Standing cornfields also are very much different than CP's as well and for the very same reason, size in relationship to a concentrated pile. When standing, the deer like to bed in it and move closer to dark. When they get harvested, deer and other critters just comb the fields looking for anything left behind but due to the size of a typical field versus a 20'x20' bait pile that's been replenished over and over again. A hunter must then rely on his scouting and some luck and hope he's set up near the right entry trail and that there is still enough corn scattered on the ground that the deer still find it worthy of visiting. As it stands now in my area at least, my deer sightings and buck sightings have plummeted the last 2-3 years because of two reasons, 1)low deer numbers and 2)the number of people/hunters putting out bait.
Lastly, what really baffles my mind is the farmer I hunt on planted corn in his fields the last two years back to back! Both years he left 40-50 acres of it still standing through turkey season(still standing as I type) and I've yet to find one(1) shed in it! Not 1(one) and his fields are the only
ones still standing
anywhere!!! That just blows my mind!
I guess if us humans had to find our food then work for it a little bit when we went out to eat at the best steakhouse in town we'd prolly settle for Golden Corral too, I hear their buffet is killer!
Oh, I have nothing against those who do bait and as long as it's legal there's nothing really any of us can do! I'd just like to see it gone so those of us who don't bait can see more deer and have just as much of a chance to encounter a mature buck.