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2016 Summer Gathering - Mingo Sportsman Club - July 22-24


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Those of you who came on Thursday last year may remember, I need a full chicken so I can say the words. Otherwise it's gonna be a shaky 3 days. That Cemetary has some serious history. And it's like, what... 50 yards across the road from the campsite?

I like history, maybe you could give us some insight once we get there. I don't remember seeing a graveyard last year to be honest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio

Right across the street...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, one of the spirits haunts people with a hook. He was an old civil war hero from the local Steubenville Infantry that was fighting Morgan's Raiders. He's buried there.

They say he used to gut his enemy with the hook. Joseph McConnell was his name.