You missed a good one Beener!
Best bet is to keep it the same weekend since I know it's open at the club.
Haha!Here's a pic of Rick and Brian after the tornado ripped through.
Made it home safe around 7:30,was great seeing and hanging out with everyone.
If anyone went home hungry it was their own fault.
Big thx to Jesse and Joe for having the best forum out there and big thx to Cotty for allowing us to hangout on his home turf again.
This was some bullshit. Haha
Nice to meet all of you. Still working on everyone's name. I'll be even more confused when I see your screen names.
I had a great time. Since most of my days are spent with a 1 and 3 year old, having adults around was a nice change. Loved getting to ride for 6 hours on Friday. The nasty steep hills Phil and I were climbing were fun!
The bacon deer burgers, frog legs, cobbler, fruit pizza and the pasta salads were fantastic. All the food you brought or cooked was amazing. Thanks everyone! John, Thanks for the coffee everyday! Dan, that was an awesome breakfast you cooked Saturday morning! Somehow I gained weight there despite sweating about 10lbs a day.
Shooting clays was way too much fun. I could've spent all day there.
Thanks for having me!
Here's a pic of Rick and Brian after the tornado ripped through.