If your local Walmart sells guns, head over and check the clearance sale now. It's ridiculous.
Ruger American Rifles $199 or less
Remington 870 Express Cantilever $199 (plus $50 rebate I think)
Mossberg 702 for $54 (not a mistype)
Marlin 1895 45/70 for $299 and it has a $50 rebate for sure
Henry 45/70 for $289
Tons of Savage .22's for $75-99
Remington 597 with scope for $80-109 depending on store
Tristar semiauto shotguns for $167
And more. It's the time of year where they reset their selection and they discount hard.
Best of luck in your search, go now TOO!
Ruger American Rifles $199 or less
Remington 870 Express Cantilever $199 (plus $50 rebate I think)
Mossberg 702 for $54 (not a mistype)
Marlin 1895 45/70 for $299 and it has a $50 rebate for sure
Henry 45/70 for $289
Tons of Savage .22's for $75-99
Remington 597 with scope for $80-109 depending on store
Tristar semiauto shotguns for $167
And more. It's the time of year where they reset their selection and they discount hard.
Best of luck in your search, go now TOO!