I have 150 acres I'm able to hunt through a family friend. Me and my dad has been the only people aloud to hunt for the last 4yrs. This year the land owner/family friend wanted to do a lease but refused to sign a lease agreement and the whole thing seemed shady and I refused to pay if nothing was signed. He also eats every week at our family Sunday dinners. My thought process is he gets a good home cooked meal every Sunday and we get to hunt. Kind of a barter situation. Since the lease deal kind of went sour he has been rude with a lot more tension during conversations. He has been letting random people hunt out there now and telling them to use my dad and i's tree stands. We have put in the time with hanging them and trimming shooting lanes and mowing trails and keeping corn piles out. I am beyond frustrated with this whole situation. Am I being over sensitive or is the land owner just being a dick??
How would you deal with this?
How would you deal with this?