Awesome videos! If that doesn't get your heart pumping nothing will. Not sure I would have passed on the 150" but I guess if I had better quality bucks to hunt it would be different.
Our pic count has really dropped off at the salt licks over the past week. Pretty standard for this time of year.
Did have a new one show up. It was on a cam on video mode that was on a trail going to one of the lick. No pics of him at the lick (only about 20 feet away). If he is who we think he is, he is only 3 this year.
Buddy ran to the farm tonight to watch a bean field and pulled a couple cams. Pic counts are still dropping off. He did watch the one we call 'Blockhead' who has not hit the salt in the past couple weeks.
I am really starting to like the tall 8 point. We call him 'Tuner' and have pics of him since he was 2. Is 5 now.
Still no nut sack Dave.
Sorta does look like he is getting his winter coat already. Seem early, but who knows!!! They are all individuals.
Never noticed him to be overly grey.