Well it all came together yesterday. Went to a spot i had a good buck on cam taking my bow and slug gun. Got locked in my climber with a perfect wind and got ready. Had 2 little bucks come in and work a scrape before leaving. A little while later 4 does filtered through eating acorns. Finally i hear a deer destroying a scrape but no visual. I hear him snort wheeze which is a rare experience down here but he wouldn't come out of the privet. I gave him 4 soft grunts and he came to me on a string. Briefly worked the scrape i was hunting and turned to walk out. Got him to stop and let it fly hearing him crash close by. Blood soaked pass through arrow stuck about 4 inches in the dirt but i couldn't pick up blood. Walked about 6 yards in the direction he ran but still no blood. Made a judgement call and backed out with it getting dark. Came back with my brother in law after about 2 hours and started back down the trail. Found blood about 10 yards in and there he was dead right at 40 yards. Entrance was high but exit was perfect. Second biggest deer i have killed and to do it with a bow during rifle season means alot. The rage chisel tip did the job as always. Couldn't be happier. Tagged out on bucks down here!!!