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Texas Hog Hunt


June 2nd, 3rd and 4th, I will be hunting in North Central Texas for hogs (free range) through Prone outfitters. I am going with a 19 year old college kid whose father was a one of hunting mentors growing up. We are tent camping on the ranch for no charge. Extremely excited about this and have been putting it off for years. With everything going on in the world today I decided I am going even if it meant going alone. Taking my 30-06 and my compound, the plan is to harvest one or two with the rifle and then the 3rd and 4th hunt get up close and personal with the bow. No trophy or skinny fees even though I plan on doing it myself (its just how I am, I don't expect people to do things for me), $500 for two days of hunting or 4 sits, I'll probably tip my guide generously. Only requirement was snake gaiters and I will be taking my thermacell.


Days or nights? Over feeders? Sounds like fun!
Over a feeder, they provide a laser to attach to your rifle when they come in after dark for a half hour or so. I decided against the thermal hunt, I like to experience the surroundings and the environment, hard to do that at night hunting with a green scope.
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S.W. Ohio

Big dumb Jon shot him a big dumb hog. 200#'s


I am going to post some more pictures of the the hunt, but I have been super busy since I got back with cutting up the pig, family, etc. Here is how I killed my boar. I got picked up about an hour and half after dark and then went and picked up my buddy from his stand. By this time is about 12 oclock mid night. While driving through ranch, the guide stop periodically checking her thermal optic for hogs on the feeder. So my guide spotted a hog in the middle of the road about 200 yards away feeding on corn, we put a stalk on the hog cut the distance to about 70 yards which I used my cyclops green light attachment located the hog in my sites and put it down with my 30-06. It instantly dropped with perfect shot placement, neck shoulder area.
I then stayed up to 6 in the morning skinning my hog and the guides brothers harvest (that was sort of bush league) and drank until I could not see straight.


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