Since we are all enjoying this thread, I will share this. I have always had an love of Lever action guns and revolvers. Its something about the construction and mechanical cycling of them. Bolt action comes second. I have one left I want to hunt with and take a deer.
A Winchester model 1876 in the 45-60 caliber. Made around 1882, Its large, heavy and reeks an untold history of wear-an-tear for a gun 141 years old. It cycles like butter. Smooth and distinct... As a child I remember seeing it hanging with the other family guns. Mostly all utility like single shot shotguns, iron sight 22's and the couple of odd ball ones.
To a 10 year old boy, It was huge compared to the others. I was sure it was for hunting huge bear, moose, buffalo or elephants. A life time later, It sits, waiting to once again go afield.
I read it will take a 300 gr. round and produce 1,390 ft/s velocity / 1,287 ftā
lbf energy.