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LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Hang and hunt this afternoon. Seen a doe, a forky and a basket 8 so far. Hopefully the progression continues and a big boy comes in bow range. Good luck out there! 👍🏻


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had a buck come out of a grassy strip in cornfield..musta been bedded about 60 yds behind me..got downwind put his nose in the air got a whiff of hickory smoke and came in to checkout a doe and the chase was on. Farmers pulled equiptment in and started picking corn at dusk..that will help alot when they get it all picked.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had a really close encounter tonight with a good one. Slipped in along my creek with about an hour to hunt. Makeshift blind in some brush on the ground, right next to the marsh. Close to last light I hear a heavy splash in the creek behind me... I couldn't help myself and turned my head slowly to see what it was. After looking for 15-20 seconds, I slowly turn my head back around, only to see a 150-160s typical bounding away up on top of the dike. Apparently when I wasn't looking, he came up out of the marsh and onto the dike only 40 yds from me... caught the movement of my head and took off. Didn't smell me and didn't blow or flag his tail so maybe I didn't do too much damage. Or maybe it just wasn't meant to be with that deer. We shall see. I just can’t believe the coincidence of it… What are the odds that deer decides to step out, at exactly the same time as a stupid muskrat or raccoon splashes in the creek!?!?! I felt like it was some sort of sick joke when it happened. Oh well.


Junior Member
The woods
Good grief. 3am and im finally home. Were required to take a doe from this property and got it done on the first sit thankfully. I was aiming for the last couple ribs and thats exactly where I hit. She must have been quartered a bit as it exited a bit farther back. She was 300 yards opposite the direction I last saw her run to. I have no doubt I would be grid searching tomorrow if the drone hadn't had found her in about 5 mins. Not somewhere I would have ever thought to look with this deer, and in a terrible thicket too.


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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Good grief. 3am and im finally home. Were required to take a doe from this property and got it done on the first sit thankfully. I was aiming for the last couple ribs and thats exactly where I hit. She must have been quartered a bit as it exited a bit farther back. She was 300 yards opposite the direction I last saw her run to. I have no doubt I would be grid searching tomorrow if the drone hadn't had found her in about 5 mins. Not somewhere I would have ever thought to look with this deer, and in a terrible thicket too.

Congrats on the doe!