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Recent content by triple_duece

  1. triple_duece

    What's For Dinner?

    Looks dry for a gumbo… just saying
  2. triple_duece

    What's For Dinner?

    Softshell crabs and bass for the win!
  3. triple_duece

    Car audio

    Not a vehicle but I put 4 JL 8’s w amp and fixing to put sub in my boat. If I don’t catch fish I can shock them to the surface. Also just started a homemade built Turla box w a skar marine 8 w an amp. Use in my flatboat, and at the camp and anywhere else. Sub $200
  4. triple_duece

    Life in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s

    You sure yall wasn’t using stone?
  5. triple_duece

    Life in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s

    They had paper back when you was a kid? 😂
  6. triple_duece

    Live from Louisiana

    Sitting inside the wife says there is a turkey in the yard. It’s a wild hen. She says someone’s pet turkey got out. I told her it’s wild. If only the Tom was in tow, could’ve gotten western around here. Hopefully she’s looking for a nesting spot. Would be cool to follow along.
  7. triple_duece

    Doggone good dog thread

    Taking a break from playing fetch. Yes it’s warm down here.
  8. triple_duece

    Welp.... F facebook...

  9. triple_duece

    Sportsmen's Input Needed

    Don’t forget the permit for tuna and such from the feds
  10. triple_duece

    Sportsmen's Input Needed

    I tried to stay out of this but since Joe put it out there…it’s a no win for any outdoorsman. Let me explain. Every state keeps going up because the residents complain about NR hunting and fishing their state. In the end we all get screwed. Even the “in staters”. Everyone will pay more down the...
  11. triple_duece

    Stressless Wood Duck House plans, built installed with predator guard (buy) info

    Them same Preditor’s will be after your turkeys also.
  12. triple_duece

    Doggone good dog thread

    Damn, sorry to hear of this. I love hate this thread. It’s either something great, or the other side of having a dog.
  13. triple_duece

    Kids bow

    Yes that is the bow Hunter started w. Diamond made by bowtech
  14. triple_duece

    Kids bow

    I bought Hunter a bowtech that went from like 15-60#. Draw went all the way up to 30”. It was a $300 bow rigged out. At that time I want to say it had a biscuit. Bought a drop away rest. As for release we all use the Scott little goose, even me. Hunter has since changed to a thumb release and...