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Recent content by Trueroots

  1. Trueroots

    Wire Haired Dauchund

    Congrats a successful season!
  2. Trueroots

    What did you do for the deer today?

    My season has been over since the new year due to kids basketball being in full swing. I carved out some time into today’s schedule (after 2 games this morning ) and made the 1.5hr trip to our hunting property so the deer have something to munch on. Put 400# in the feeder which should get them...
  3. Trueroots

    2024 2025 Goals thread

    This is exactly my mindset also and has been for the last 5 years. Well stated!
  4. Trueroots

    The Trip from HELL....

    Congratulations Sir
  5. Trueroots

    Brock, Mason and friends.

    Dandy Buck!! Congratulations Brock
  6. Trueroots

    Cruisin' on a Friday Afternoon

    Well done! Congrats on a good buck
  7. Trueroots

    Wire Haired Dauchund

    Congrats Sir!!
  8. Trueroots

    Did ya know?

    Congratulations Dave! Everyone has their own “purpose”. You do you! Well done and enjoy all those fine eats ahead
  9. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    Congratulations Sir! That’s a great buck
  10. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    Good luck fellas! I will be sitting today out due to basketball with both my daughters. I’m interested in seeing how motion offense goes with 4th graders that have only had 2 practices thus far 😂. I’ll be back at it tomorrow or the next day. Enjoy the woods!!!
  11. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    Memories are what it’s all about!!! Enjoy
  12. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    Best of luck to everyone out this morning!
  13. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    They are moving. Saw 4 bucks (no shooters) and 3 does. Young fellas are getting all amped up pestering the hell out of the girls
  14. Trueroots

    LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

    Good luck all! Wind has laid down some this morning. Hoping for more action than yesterday. Bonus is that I bumped zero deer on the way in this morning. Enjoy the day, it’s gonna be a good one!!!!
  15. Trueroots

    Opening day success!

    Congrats to the little lady! Nice work