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  1. Archertl

    Pheasant Bean and Noodle Soup

    To make the stock 2 tbs bacon grease 1 whole Pheasant 1/4 cup Flour 1/4 cup of bourbon 4 cups of water 2 tbs Salt 1 tbs Pepper Rosemary thyme 2-3 bay leaves 6 cloves of garlic Place the bacon grease in a dutch oven or stock pot and melt it on high heat. Place the whole Pheasant in the hot...
  2. Archertl

    Beretta 1301 banned

    Correct. Import long guns have to have a sporting purpose. Handguns have a point system. For example the glock 26, 27 has a serrated trigger blade and is imported with adjustable sights(which are later removed and sent back to Austria). That model loses points due to the subcompact size but the...
  3. Archertl

    Beretta 1301 banned

    "Non sporting purpose" import regulation.
  4. Archertl

    Costco butter recall

    My wife had a panick attack thinking it came from her dairy processing company but it didnt. I thought it was dumb too but milk is a FDA allergen so it has to be named on the package. It is as simple as that. The can Peanuts fall under the deal.
  5. Archertl

    Cruisin' on a Friday Afternoon

    Nicely done sean
  6. Archertl

    IKS...do you?

    Very cool rack. Congrats Jesse
  7. Archertl

    Did ya know?

    Congrats dave
  8. Archertl

    Yall heard?

    Congrats J.
  9. Archertl

    IKS number 4 today!

    That is a fantastic buck. Congrats on doing it with a trad bow.
  10. Archertl

    IKS #5 today

    Nice job gern
  11. Archertl

    WHO knew?

    Congratulations ric. Thats a great buck
  12. Archertl

    The Official Camper and Camping Thread

    I picked up this geo pro 12 footer for a good deal. I never would have thought I would become a camper owner. If it wasn't for my wife i would still be sleeping in a bivy sack in the truck bed. Dealing with a tent during cross country road trips was kind of a pain. This little camper tows easily...
  13. Archertl

    Yurp! IKS

    Nice job. That is a cool buck
  14. Archertl

    Lever action rifles

    Yea, what was savage thinking with that design.
  15. Archertl

    Opening day success!

    Thats a nice buck for her. Congrats Jesse
  16. Archertl


    Nice buck congrats
  17. Archertl

    Utility Revolver Holster question

    Jim, if you sent me that hunter holster i can replicate it but for a four inch barrel. If i had a gp100 i could do more for you but without the gun i would have a hard time fitting a holster for it.
  18. Archertl

    OSTA at Hocking

    That has always been a good shoot for the osta
  19. Archertl

    Big 3-O today
