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  1. J

    Confused about antlerless hunting in Coshocton County

    Thanks for the clarification guys.
  2. J

    Confused about antlerless hunting in Coshocton County

    just confirming I can buy another either sex tag but use it only for does? I just don't understand the logic of not allowing antlerless tags but allowing them with extra either sex tags even though statewide the limit is one buck? Thanks, William
  3. J

    Confused about antlerless hunting in Coshocton County

    My son is hunting in the youth hunt in Coshocton County this weekend. I purchased him an either sex deer permit. Coshocton has a bag limit of three deer but only one can be a buck. Coshocton does not allow doe permits according to the Ohio DNR. If I want to try for a doe as well as a buck...
  4. J

    Ohio whitetail youth hunt gun question

    Thanks for all the help. I do have a .50cal Thompson Encore and might take that out to the range and get some time in with him. He really likes the youth .410 model I got him I wish it had more than just the beaded site but he was dead on at 30 yards (the blind we hunt from here make the...
  5. J

    Ohio whitetail youth hunt gun question

    Can I take more than one shotgun up in the stand with us or can he only have one gun? I will not be having a license when we go. By the way we are hunting at ohiotrophyquestoutfitters.com have read a few things about them seems okay any one have anything to add about this outfit good or bad...
  6. J

    Ohio whitetail youth hunt gun question

    like Cabelas these are on back order. Gander Mountain was also out of stock. I might just order from Cabelas and see how long it takes to get them in. I can find 3" mags all day long in shot shells but never any slugs. Thanks, Jacads
  7. J

    Ohio whitetail youth hunt gun question

    I have looked everywhere including Cabelas and cannot find any 3" slugs. Can you tell me where to buy these at?
  8. J

    Ohio whitetail youth hunt gun question

    I purchased a youth hunt for my son who is 10 in Coshocton county this fall for the youth hunt. I did not know until I researched it that he cannot use a standard hunting rifle like we do here in certain parts of Michigan. He currently had a youth .410 and a 20 gauge (both single shots) that...