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  1. S

    Black Bear?

    I hunt private land in Lawrence Co and last season had a bear we dealt with all season , came in on me once while on stand. Had numerous pics of it all season .. So I would pretty much say bear.... I have not got any pics this year yet and hope we don't.
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    Just wandering if you could hunt in any weather conditions , what would your perfect scenario be ? What is everyones favorite weather to be hunting during?
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    One Eye or Two.

    Just wandering how everyone shoots their bows. I have to shoot with one eye open period . I've tried to with both eyes open and it absolutely will not work for me . My friend shoots both eyes open and says he can see a lot more of his target that way. I'm just curious how the majority of...
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    Peebles Ohio

    Hello , I have access to a hunting spot near Peebles Ohio and just wandering if anyone is familiar with how good the deer hunting is near there. Thanks for the responses in advance. .
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    Live from the stand!

    In Stand near Ironton Ohio, all is quiet . 29 here very still , waiting on some movement. Be safe and good luck.
  6. S

    2015 Rut Report, County, Conditions

    Bear infiltration in Lawrence Co Ohio.
  7. S

    2015 Rut Report, County, Conditions

    Been hunting Lawrence co near Ironton , no movement at all last several days , very warm , windy , some rain showers .. Had a couple daylight pics show up of a few bucks. Sign is limited seems like not as much as in years past .. Most deer are concentrated near green fields this year.. Have had...
  8. S

    Back to site after a brief hiatus..... And I know sumtin

    What was temp outside? Great Buck
  9. S

    Role Call Friday

    Whos out this morning ? Any one seeing much activity , especially near Ironton Ohio , Lawrence co. Not much been happening here where I am .. Good Luck to all.
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    Rut Report 2014

    Hey , starting this so whoever wants to share what they are seeing as far as rut activity goes , so we can keep up with whats happening where. Sorry if one was already started. Been seeing lots of rubs and scrapes pop up and a few smaller bucks cruising in Lawrence Co. ..
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    Estrus (Scent Attractant)

    I have never had any noticeable luck with scents , I like to use it on scrapes when I hang a camera but have had no noticeable response in a hunting situation . I have had some responses to the grunt call and rattle bags , but as far as scent sometimes I wander if its just a money racket??
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    two days to go

    What county you huntin? Ill be in Lawrence all next week trying to knock one down.
  13. S

    New spot, need advice

    I second the apple/ corn/ camera idea .
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    2014-2015 Goals thread

    Goals 2014. 1 Be able to get out and hunt more , especially with my hunting buddies and family , seems anymore the time i have finds me going a lot by myself , miss enjoying deer camp so to speak and the fellowship with good hunting buddies. 2 hopefully have the time to take a few does...
  15. S

    cooper hollow rut hunt

    Ive been hunting in ohio , for years now, from ky, and it will vary from year to year but the times ive seen most deer has been prob oct 26- nov4. You will probably either hit or miss the time frame youre there meaning a lot of bucks will be with does during those dates and if you can find a...