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  1. R

    2015 Rut Report, County, Conditions

    just finished three day hunt in meigs county not much happening where i was.
  2. R

    Jackson County Area ?

    I find it funny how all you guys blame out of state hunters for everything first of all the majority of out state hunters get here thru third party residents that have figured out they can lease land for 15 to 20 per acre and lease it out for 30+ per acre what it boils down to is money rules has...
  3. R


    is everyone planning on gun hunting Monday and what do u think the weather will do around Jackson area? Looks like a small warming trend with rain,not what I was hoping for!hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!
  4. R

    2013 Opening Day Harvest Stats

    I agree with u,either that or they let everybody in the household check in deer. I don't get the whole deer hunting like rabbit hunting thing? nothing wrong with it if you like it I just prefer still hunting and trying to get a true giant and the best thing about it is the potential exist almost...
  5. R

    Out of state hunters

    I happen to be an out of state hunter and I have permission from a landowner. I have leased before in ohio and I will tell you that resident hunters are way more likely to break the rules or stretch them we will say than out of state hunters. If you think I am wrong do your research and see...
  6. R

    Rut report ?

    Thank u for your time I appreciate it.
  7. R

    Rut report ?

    Thank u for your help I really appreciate it.
  8. R

    Rut report ?

    I looked and can't find it so lets just call this a deer activity question does anyone hunt meigs county and know anything about that. In other words are they on lock down,chasing,post rut worn down with little activity. If u hunt there u could have answered my question in the same time it took...
  9. R

    Rut report ?

    I hunt in meigs county anyone have any info for this area on activity or the rut? I live out of state but hope to make it up thursday. Thanks for any info