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  1. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I totally agree with you , I didn't mean to offend anybody on here by asking the OP . Sitting back , I can see where it would suck to live there and not be able to find good land to hunt due to leasing and commericial hunting outfitters . And yes , I do have it good as far as the land in...
  2. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    What ? I have no problem sharing a lease with folks in Ohio , heck , they would get to hunt it way more than me , bacause I will only hunt maybe 10 days a year there
  3. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I am very thankful to get to hunt their property , I just was wanting to try a different area of Ohio .. No intentions of stepping on any toes or lease land out from under anybody ..One reason , I don't hunt their land a lot , is one of the owners has 2 boys that love to hunt and I don't want...
  4. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I will say this , you Ohio guys stick together ...
  5. D

    Jackson County Area ?

  6. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I do scratch my nuts from time to time , , just not in your queer way ..
  7. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Just really wanted to try a different part of the state ..
  8. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Yea , maybe thats what it was :smiley_clap:
  9. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Never said I was the only person hunting it , there are 5 others ( owners & family ) hunting it as well . I don't hunt it every time I am in Ohio ..
  10. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Seen bigger bucks on the public land . odd enough ..
  11. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I do hunt north of columbus as well Delaware County public land , Oh yea , you can take your " Douche Nozzle " comment back.
  12. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    You can call it BS all you want , doesn't change the fact that I still hunt it ..
  13. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Because , I would like to hunt Jackson County , period ...
  14. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    Damn , you guys are tough .. I wasn't asking to take your land or your lease , just a point in the right direction . I have access to 700 acres in Cambridge Ohio , at a cost of Zero , Zilch , Notta , because the land owners said they where tired of in state folks running all over his place ...
  15. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I see it lives on ..
  16. D

    Jackson County Area ?

    I know I live in NC and there are some folks in Ohio that hate for us " Out Of Staters " to hunt their deer , but I am going to ask anyways , I have been hunting in Ohio for 13 years now and really enjoy it , I hunt on public land just above Columbus , however I would like to find some land to...
  17. D

    qad dropaway vs vapor trail limb driver?.

    Just put a Limb Driver ProV on my 2014 Carbon Spyder today , was down to that and the QAD HDX , actually bought the QAD yesterday but took it back and got the LD today ...Very nice rest
  18. D

    Got bit by a spyder

    And I can't wait to get it all set up and sling some arrows ...
  19. D

    Carolina Wolf Spider

    Hates a spider .....