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  1. Outdoorsfellar

    My drought is over .....

    I haven't had any buck pics since back in June. My neighbor's place behind me has a a food plot in their yard that I've been watching all summer with nothing but does & fawns invading. There's another plot down in the woods in an opening, but I haven't been down in since it's a pain to get too...
  2. Bowhunter57

    Anyone need a Drone Hunting License?

    http://news.yahoo.com/drone-hunters-why-americans-lining-shoot-down-drones-172353218.html This is how it starts. Then next thing you know you're having to use non-toxic shot for drones. All the while the ODNR is checking out what species of animal/bird you're shooting and you get your...
  3. Mao

    WTB WTB River Jon with Jet Drive

    Looking for some help finding a boat. I am looking for a boat to duck hunt and fish out of. Looking for a 16 ft. or slightly bigger alluminum boat, must be a jet drive, side or center console, prefer camo but not necessary. If anyone has any leads please let me know. Thanks.
  4. Mike

    Drone Loads
