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  1. at1010

    Feeling Selfish/BAD

    Well today I got into an argument because of a change in my schedule. My grandfathers 90th bday is Nov 6th. I actually caught myself getting agitated that we are having the party Nov 2nd because I will have to stay home 2 days before heading to the property. I will still get to hunt Nov 3-Nov-8...
  2. huntn2

    How many times do you have that feeling of...

    How many times in the woods do you have that feeling/realization that "I am an idiot"? Got to my stand this morning pulled my jacket out of my pack, put it on, went to hook my rope to my bow and thought "I am a fuggin idiot!!!" It was then I realized I can't shoot a deer without an arrow...
  3. Kaiser878

    I have a feeling its gonig to be a rough year!

    THis is the biggest deer I have on cam thus far..and he is no where near a shooter!