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  1. bowhunter1023

    TOO May Buck of the Month: Gordo's Dual Success

    The story can be read here: http://www.theohiooutdoors.com/content.php?189-TOO-May-Buck-of-the-Month-Gordo-s-Dual-Success
  2. Gordo

    Gordo's 2012 deer cam pictures

    Well haven't posted in a while but have kept up on the reading. Finally got a pic of a decent buck when I pulled a card today. I'm really turning up the heat lately in terms of trying to find some slungers, so it'll only get better from here. Nothing spectacular but worthy of my first...
  3. Gordo

    Gordos off season deer hunting thread

    Just wanted to start a thread of the off season work I'll be putting in gearing up for the fall, and be able to ask questions and gain knowledge, as I have been for a couple years from you folks. At this same time last year there where a lot of things I wanted to change at my main property...
  4. Gordo

    Gordos 2011 Hunting Log

    Just typed out a fuggin book, but then it all dissappeared before I posted it. Some pop up bullshit, and it was all gone. Anyway, 2011/2012 archery season about to kick off. Gonna keep this thread rolling about whats happening with my season. Opening weekened I got my dad rolling in. I...