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  1. Jackalope

    ATTN: SpyPoint IR-6 Owners.

    . Something you might have been waiting for. Someone get this loaded on a cam and run some tests.. See if it helps improve the grainy pictures in very low light situations. Firmware Version: 2.5 Date: March 1, 2012 Improvement...
  2. RedCloud

    SpyPoint IR-6 Review

    I wanted to try out a new line of trail cams for this season so I went with 2- SpyPoint IR 6 cams. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised at the ability of these cams. I was able to get these cams in my hands at the end of June 2010 and had them in the field and ready to go starting the month...
  3. huntn2

    huntn2 Spypoint IR6 Pics

    Here are some of my IR6 pics from one property. Had a 2nd IR6 on this property on a trail that didn't produce good pics. I need to switch that one over to video. I have my other 2 on out of state property that Alphamax and I hunt.
  4. jagermeister

    Spypoint IR6 Video Clips

    Just a short montage of some of the spypoint's video clips from the past few weeks. No monsters, but some good stuff nonetheless. I found out that I need to either get a bigger memory card, or reduce video length. A 4gb card was filled up by 154 videos, 30 seconds each...
  5. Jackalope

    IR-6 Firmware update.

    . Just a heads up because i know we have something like 26 IR-6 cams out there. SpyPoint has a firmware update on their site for it. V2.1. It was Released back in mid June so you may want to check and see if your has the update. To do so follow the below instruction. If you need to update...
  6. RedCloud

    Redclouds SpyPoint IR-6 pics

    Look at the range on this cam. That deer is back there about 20 - 25 yards from that cam