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  1. Bowhunter57

    New Method of Shucking Corn

    I don't know how "new" this method may be, but it certainly works great. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnBF6bv4Oe4 Bowhunter57
  2. ohio mossy oak

    Which way do you do it???An have you had much success using your method??

    I came across this vid a year or two ago..I have always used mine the longer draw out way thinking that was the correct""doe in heat"" sound..Which he is saying in the vid is a Alarm sound...Which way do you do it???An how much success have you had with your method..Feel free to cite specific...
  3. Buckrun

    I found a new turkey hunting partner and a new method!

    Here she is in action.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYfDnc42wog&feature=player_embedded
  4. Bowhunter57

    What's your favorite hunting method?

    Turkey season is just a few months away. I've hunted them in several ways/methods. What's your favorite method of hunting turkeys? Do you use decoys with these methods? * Groundblinds. * Run & Gun. * Sit & Hide with natural cover. Thank you, Bowhunter57