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  1. saddlepants

    BUtt? BUTT? I swear officer it isn't mine - Im just holding it for someone.....

  2. Bowhunter57

    Canton County Officer: Dan Harless - Fired

    http://www.wkyc.com/news/article/224514/45/Canton--Officer-Dan-Harless-fired It's about time that law enforcement officers, of this nature, get held to the same standard as any other citizen. :smiley_boos: I'm sure he'll find another job...as long as it's not in law enforcement...
  3. Milo

    When does it end? Wildlife officer BS.

    http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/10/14/wildlife-officers-tied-to-illegal-deal.html WTF..COME on
  4. Jackalope

    Ohio Wildlife Officer Charged With Federal Lacey Act Crimes

    SHAZAM ANDY! If the state doesn't want to prosecute and tries to cover it up, the federal US Fish and wildlife Service is gonna nail his balls to the wall.. Glad to see this POS get his due...
  5. Ohiosam

    Officer stands his ground against a vicious animal.

    Using only pepper spray.:smiley_crocodile: http://youtu.be/7eDhdEd8zrg