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  1. themedic

    Oil/ Gas Well Issue

    My farm currently has the oil/gas/mineral rights leased. However, the well has been inactive and according to the ODNR's standers qualifies as a idol well. So after some debate, the gas company that currently holds the rights, has sent me a letter. It states they intend on plugging the well by...
  2. Riverdude

    Oil Feild Appreciation Week.

  3. Ohiosam

    We exported more oil then we imported in 2011

    Who woulda thunk it? For anyone bummed out about the United States' dependence on foreign oil, try this forecast on for size: The U.S. is on track to be a net exporter of petroleum products this year for the first time in 62 years -- and yet, domestic gas prices remain at or close to record...