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  1. Monster Raxx

    Monster Raxx Staff Weekend

    This is the annual Monster Raxx staff weekend. I look forward to this more than most weekends that don't involve hunting. I should have some good pics to share, we have 35 pounds of prime rib that is getting cooked over a wood fire again, 13 pounds of pork, 4 turkey breasts and more beer than I...
  2. Monster Raxx

    Monster Raxx NCAA Bracket Challenge

    I will have a Monster Raxx bracket challenge again this year. There will be prizes for atleast first and second place. Before it starts I will let every one know what they are playing for. The more people who enter the more prizes I will give. Please enter only once to make it fair for everyone...
  3. Monster Raxx

    June Monster Raxx trail camera contest winner

    I knew this pic would be hard to beat when I first saw it. This is the winning pic for the Monster Raxx Trail Camera Contest for June.
  4. Monster Raxx

    Monster Raxx Trail Camera Contest

    Here is the 2010 Grand Prize winner from the annual Monster Raxx Trail Camera Contest.
  5. Jackalope

    DEAL 15% off Monster Raxx Minerals and Attractants.

    . Yall might have noticed the new member Monster Raxx posting on the forum recently and his sponsorship banner at the top of the page. Tom signed on as a new sponsor a couple days ago and has been hanging out, sharing some pictures, and getting to know everyone. He seems like a real good fit...
  6. Rutin

    Moster Raxx for all my does!!!

    This creek bottom is a huge doe bedding area. It never really holds bucks and hasnt for the 13 years ive hunted it but when late Oct comes around it turns on and I get all kinds of travelers checking on my does. Well this year I planted a food plot and kept my Monster Raxx mineral site alive and...