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  1. bowhunter1023

    The TOO Live Hunt and Recap Thread: 2013 Edition

    Won't be long until this thread is blowing up! :smiley_clap:
  2. jagermeister

    2011 Rut Camp Recap

    I really wish I had some amazing story... or some amazing success pictures... or at least a close-call or two to share with you all. Fact is, this year's rut camp was anything but exciting for me. I hunted hard, I hunted long, I hunted flat out smart... and still couldn't get it done. We...
  3. cotty16

    PreWork Buck - Recap

    There was alot of talk on here between many of us about which days to take off work during the rut. I tried November 3rd and had a decent 8 point under my stand making a scrape and putting on quite a show. I sat all day and that was the only buck I saw. I then tried November 11th and the only...
  4. U

    recap of my season so far

    since im to lazy to look back over which pics i have posted im gonna post em all including new ones 43 pound flathead 30 pound flathead 33 pound flathead 39 pound flathead 47 pound flathead 33 pound flathead 32 pound flathead 30 pound...
  5. bowhunter1023

    Mizzou Snows 2011 Recap

    After a few days of letting everything sink in, it’s time to put together a recap of the shenanigans that I’ve come to refer to as Mizzou Snows 2011! Thursday We left Strasburg at 4AM on Thursday and motored on through to Mizzou with only a few stops, with Bass Pro in St. Louis being a...