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  1. S

    Enjoy the white gold.

    I just wanted to share these sheds I found this year. They gross right at 80 inches each. Main beams of 26 and 27 inches. Great mass and character points. Just wanted anyone who is interested to get to enjoy a great find.
  2. Huckleberry Finn

    White deer sheds antlers on cam

    And scares the piss out of himself!! (watch the shadows when he walks out of the frame) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4CcplpA1n7g This video is pretty cool...Can't imagine having a deer like that walk around. Can't imagine seeing a deer shed on camera. Can't imagine...
  3. H

    Central ohio sheds?

    Anyone finding fresh sheds in central ohio? Saw a 140 or bigger w both sides on friday. Thanks
  4. RedCloud

    Redcloud's 2013 Sheds

    I have been out the last couple weekends without much to report. Spent last weekend and covered a loop about 2miles and found nothing but a bunny lol. That same weekend Dante covered a bunch of ground on the opposite side of the property to find nothing. We both tagged this past weekend along...
  5. camofry

    Not finding sheds.

    I found out why I not finding shed on this place. If you enlarge the pic of the deers butt to right of the wild grape vines ,you can see the width of this thing. These 3 went thru about 20min before him and theres a good size one with them does.
  6. cynergyone

    First sheds of the year (matching)

    Found this matching set today right on a woodline. They weren't 20 yards from each other. We were starting to set up on a coyote stand and I saw the first one and as I was picking it up I looked over and saw the other one. I did the same thing last year during turkey season, but that set was...
  7. finelyshedded

    FS First sheds of the year a MATCH!

    I finally felt it was time to start my shed hunting season today but still feel its TOO early yet but I need the exercise and I'm getting ansy.lol I swapped two cards today and did a little nosing around a few fields to day and found my first two sheds that happen to be a match set. They were...
  8. 1

    Nice 8 point sheds

    Found a nice set of sheds yesterday.130" 8 point. This is a buck we call "cowlick" because he has a big cowlick on the back of his neck. He is a 4.5 year old. We have gotten pics of him the last 3 years. Pic taken by my Granddaughter Haylee.
  9. Hoytmania

    Check out these sheds.

    Ran into the guy that lives across the street from the property where I got my largest buck from a few years ago. We where chatting it up some and he asked if I had ever seen the set of sheds he found on his property this past spring. I said no and he showed me this. He told me that he...
  10. Buckmaster

    Backyard Sheds

    This set was found this past spring 150 yards from my backdoor and within 200 yards of the nearby McDonalds. The deer resides within the city limits where there is no hunting regulations. Estimated gross uneaten by squirrels 176.5", Current gross with nibbles 172.5", and current net at...
  11. Gern186

    Mike Hanback article on sheds

    Mike Hanback did an article on the sheds from the 2006 deer, thought you guys would like to read it. Here is a link to the article. http://www.mikehanback.com/blog/index.cfm/2011/4/14/Ohio-Bowhunter-Finds-5YearOld-Shed-from-186Inch-Buck-He-Killed-in-2006
  12. Gern186

    Better pictures of big sheds with the original buck

    I took the mount down off the wall and got some better pictures with the deer and the shed antlers side by side.