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  1. brock ratcliff

    Field and Stream

    Scott Bestul has a piece in October's issue of Field and Stream. It's about deer management, and how it is becoming increasingly influenced by state's farm bureaus and politicians. From the article, it seems state wildlife agencies are having less and less actual influence on deer...
  2. Ohiosam

    Field and Stream store

    Dicks is launching a new chain of out door stores called Field and Stream. The first store opens this weekend in Cranberry, a Pittsburgh suburb about 40 minutes from me. The second store will be in Erie Pa. I'll be interested in seeing if they stock modern sporting rifles...
  3. Bowhunter57

    What river or stream will you hit first?

    The weather's starting to give us some slack and it's getting closer to hitting the favorite "honey hole" or "hot spot" for fishing. Which river and/or stream will you hit first? Bowhunter57
  4. Bowhunter57

    Findlay Field & Stream 2012 Shoot Schedule

    May 27th - Mixed Animal June 24th - Mixed Animal July 22nd - Safari (2D Targets) August 26th - Pope & Young September 23rd - 30 Deer Targets Registration: 8:00 to 12:00 noon Contact: Harlold Spence 419-423-9861 J&S Archery 419-422-6756 I-75 Exit 164 Drive west on S.R. 613 to...