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  1. Bowhunter57

    Legal Coyote Trap?

    I know a gentleman that has good success trapping coyotes. When I asked how he trapped them, he stated that he used 2" treble hooks, similar to the ones used for turtle traps in trot lines. He's had his best success using deer liver. He hangs this set up about 5' off the ground, on a cable. When...
  2. Johnch

    Trap Steaks

    Well I found some nice ones this AM Not light though :smiley_chinrub: So I will use them when setting Coon traps from the ATV I was comming home , when I saw they were done upgrading the RR Crossing So I went that way OK they never bothered to clean up when they were done Lots of...
  3. cotty16

    Day at the trap range

    The sponsor for Kody and Klay's little league team was Island Creek Sporting Clays in Toronto, Ohio. The owner's grandson always lands on the same team as my boys, so he's been the sponsor for the last 4 years or so. My boys, especially Kody, have spent quite a few days at the range and the...
  4. camofry

    Trap line

    Just wondering how many people still run a trap line?
  5. swamp_donkey819

    antler trap

    thought this would be cool to try, normally i like just walkin the woods looking for sheds but figure this might work for those who cant make it out all the time to shed hunt. hope it uploads. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAxKlJWvr9M
  6. RedCloud

    Dog proof traps

    I took some pictures of the dog proof traps I was using and thought I would start another thread just for showing what they are. Trap Master Dog Proof Traps. The inside NOT set Inside of trap SET And this is what it looks like SET They do work.
  7. RedCloud

    Landowner requests

    I was shed hunting on one of the properties I have permission for yesterday and after I was done I stopped by the house to show the landowner what I had found. While we was standing there talking I had made mention of having one of my trail cam out in the woods. They asked if I had a spare one...