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  1. CJD3

    Who watches FOX news

    ‘I Want A Girl Like The Girls on Fox News’ http://conservativevideos.com/2013/03/i-want-a-girl-like-the-girls-on-fox-news/
  2. Longdraw

    DEAL Cheap plot watcher camera

    Primos Truth DPS 'Deer Positioning System $44.99 http://www.wingsupply.com/game-cameras-accessories/primos-truth-dps-deer-positioning-system/
  3. Big H

    Plot Watcher?

    Has anyone used one of these? Thoughts? Opinions?
  4. Johnch

    DEAL Plot Watcher on sale

    I have been wanting one But even in Cabela's Bargin cave they are $199.99 But at www.plot-watcher.com/ They are now close ing out the old version for $139.99 So I ordered one New version would be nice But out of my price range I expect John