I took this cam down after a week and captured one really nice photo. Looks like I should hang it there again sometime. I should upload the actual image instead of a cell capture but oh well.
Found out tonight that a young man I help teach to shoot earned his Distiguished Marksman badge this week at Camp Perry. He started shooting on our rifle team when he was 13 or 14 and is probably 26 now. This is quite an accomplishment, he had to place 1st or 2nd at least one highpower match...
An old farmer was sitting on his front porch one day, watching the world go by, when a young kid went by carrying a whole bunch of wire.
The farmer yelled out, "Whatcha carrying that wire for, son?"
The kid replied, "This isn't just normal wire, this is chicken wire!
I'm gonna go catch me...
Found this and if some of it is a repeat of previous posts I apologize but saw this and figured I'd pass it along especially since one of them is for the youngins...
I understand the attraction of bikes but any of you young guys with them please be careful. In the last month I know 3 boys 22 and 23 years old that were in serious accidents with them.
A month ago tomorrow the 22 year old son of my wife's co-worker hit a car. He has been in a comma ever since...
I was bored at work so I was going through some pics from last year and happened across this guy. HE was a 2 y/o I had pics of last year behind my house.
THen I realized, hey, this is the same deer..
I am pretty happy with that jump from 2-3. I hope his jump from 3 to 4 is...
Here is a regular on the camera. He is the only buck I even got on camera in the last two weeks. I think this is the buck last year was dubbed "Ol Stupid". He would just stand out in the open last year. He actually bedded down 75 yards from my stand last year one day. Looks like he is up to...