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.223 vs .22-250....oooor .243????

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I might of sold my .223 and have been thinking about buying a .22-250. But then I started thinking of which one is better ...., .22-250 or .243?

I will be using it for ghogs and coytoes. I have my own reloader so all I have to do is buy the die for the caliber. If any one has advice let me hear it. Like which model or caliber they prefer and why. My budget is 400 but that could be just for the guy and get a scope down the road. I want some thing that is a long range beast. Because I love to shoot ghogs from a distance.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
If it was me. I would go with the 22-250 for the flater long range shots and it will still have fairly good knock down for yotes as well. Now if it was going to be strictly a yote gun then I would go with the 243.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I was thinking the same!...but here is the thing I have read alot about barrel wear and tear with the .22-250. So that has me nervous about it.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I am on a budget lol.

That's true. A lined barrel gun would probably be in the $700+ range. Honestly though I don't think your going to shoot enough to worry about wearing out the barrel. You could pick up a good Savage in 22-250 for about $350-$400 bucks with a scope already on it. I would then upgrade the scope later down the road.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
That is what I was thinking, A savage since I am limited in my price options. I was also thinking about getting just the gun. Maybe that will give me more options and add the scope later after I save up some money.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I just ordered me one. Marlin XS7S in .308 They just came out with the stainless version.


The above gives you an idea of what they go for. The Sportsmans Den in Shelby runs them on special for $270 I think. They come in both short and long action calibers. My BIL bought a 30-06 version and is getting true .75" three shot groups. He stays under 1MOA with 5 shots. A true value IMHO

I like 22-250 but it is limited more than other calibers in boolit weight. A .223 has a lot of options with the right barrel as does the .243



Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
I have all three and all three have their place and use. All three are Savage and dead nuts accurate out of the box!


*Hims a Super Moderator*
I have all three and all three have their place and use. All three are Savage and dead nuts accurate out of the box!

Dang cob - yep them Savage are sure accurate out of the box - i just sold a nice Savage Model 12 .308- stainless - heavy fulted barrel with a Leupold 6 x 18 = it a long range tack drivin mofo - i really liked it - installed a custom trigger - it wuz sweet - one of the crew gotz - it - dang
-- :smiley_cigar:
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Tree Monkey

NW ohio
Been, thanks for the website!!, If the sale of my .223 goes through I will go with the savage edge xp at 300 d0llars you can't beat that!!! I am gonna call one of my friends grandpa who owns a gun shop and see if he has a better deal or can create one that will be that websites deal but I doubt it!....I am just crossing my fingers now hoping I sell my gun.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Scoped combo for $299. A closer place to you would be the Sportsmans Den in Shelby...they have the gun no scope for $269 and w/scope for $299 also. If you have a Dicks around you they have the same deal going.

RedCloud said:
If it was me. I would go with the 22-250 for the flater long range shots and it will still have fairly good knock down for yotes as well. Now if it was going to be strictly a yote gun then I would go with the 243.
I agree with RedCloud...except for the .243 part. I would and have opted for a .25-06 in a Stevens, from Sportsman's Den in Shelby. Just like Beentown was saying, it's very affordable and close to you. They're about an hour and 40 minutes away from me, but it's still worth it. I was just over there yesterday to purchase a holster for my CCW. Great guys, great prices and a good selection.

The Stevens line of rifles are the pre accu-trigger Savages. A .25-06 has the same ballistics as a .22-250, but uses more lead to get the job done. Which means it hits harder and the same distances. Plus, you can use it if you ever decide to go out west and hunt pronghorn, mulies, etc.

Good luck with your choices!
Good hunting, Bowhunter57