All or 90% of these type of videos mention bow speeds and higher poundage for more bow speed and flatter trajectory.
What I feel they're doing a great injustice to the bow hunters is failing to mention that there isn't a bow or crossbow made with will shoot an arrow at or above the speed of sound....1125.8 fps.
I'd rather shoot a slower and much quieter bow, all the while watching the deer's behavior, before taking the shot.
Shooting a deer with its' head up, increases the odds in the shooter's favor of the deer not dropping and/or not dropping enough to make a difference.
None of the last 3 deer that I've shot with my Elite Ritual 30, reacted/dropped. I always aim for the "vital V" and it seems to work out for me.
Actually, in this photo another 2" higher and to the left would work too.
I lowered my bow poundage, many years ago, to avoid all the surgeries that I was seeing other guys getting. Then, in recent years, I've increased my arrow weight and FOC, which I don't see me going away from for the amount of penetration I get. Not to mention how quiet my Elite Ritual 30 has become....real close to my ILF recurve. As quiet as my ILF recurve is, my ILF longbow is just ridiculous quiet.
My tab is right by my ear, when I release, I can hear the tab "flap" off of the string, over the actual longbow's string noise....which is hardly noticeable.