I'd tell A&E too kiss my white ass!
who didn't see this coming? please tell me none of you think that this whole "fiasco" was NOT carefully orchestrated? Phil Robertson is a shrewd businessman. unlikely that his television persona and personal value system are as well aligned as you might want to believe.
who didn't see this coming? please tell me none of you think that this whole "fiasco" was NOT carefully orchestrated? Phil Robertson is a shrewd businessman. unlikely that his television persona and personal value system are as well aligned as you might want to believe.
who didn't see this coming? please tell me none of you think that this whole "fiasco" was NOT carefully orchestrated? Phil Robertson is a shrewd businessman. unlikely that his television persona and personal value system are as well aligned as you might want to believe.
Worked so well do Paula dean didn't it. I don't think it was a planned event at all. The illogical and unreasonable liberal world we live in is not known for brilliance. Case in point. The Texas knock out game. Blacks have been targeting whites and doing this for years. One white guy does it and bam federal hate crime. They don't even care anymore how blatantly slanted and ill applied it is. I fully believe AE stuck their head up their ass. And only removed it so they could put their foot in their mouth. According to Nielson AE saw a one week overall ratings decrease of 23%. That's a tough pill to swallow.
In just happy to see jace's wife honestly..she looks like she could be some fun
In just happy to see jace's wife honestly..she looks like she could be some fun