I really would like too take a deer, probably a Doe, with my Dad's XBow. He used to shoot compound until 6 years ago when he shredded his elbow. So last night I sat in a stand that overlooked the field from the last spot Dad and I shared a Deer kill together (A nice 8 point during shotgun season 6-7 years ago). Anyhow, the stand was overlooking a partially cut corn field that was taken down in the morning. I spooked a small buck getting into the stand at 5:15pm. Didnt get anymore action til 7pm when 2 big Does and 2 fawns came out behind me in the corn. The fawns meandered around me inside of 25 yards for awhile. The 2 Does occasionally did but never offered a comfortable shot. The only broadsides I had were beyond 35 yards, and Im only really comfy out to 30 or so. Im hoping they dont finish cutting the corn, it was really muddy there, and I can get back out Thursday or Friday and get it done