Just wanted to let everyone know...they guy who leases the cropland within Kokosing State Park thinks it is okay to drive his gator around the park and collect walnuts and scare all the wildlife away. He said he had every right to do that...but his activity had nothing to do with the cropland he is leasing. And isn't it illegal anyways to harvest things like that from the park? Those walnuts are supposed to be for the wildlife I thought...not humans. Sure...I know there will be some machinery there a few days a year to plant and harvest crops, as well as the managers of the park dealing with their plantings, but I sure didn't expect to see some a-hole bumpkins on a loud gator ruining both my and another guys hunt last Sunday. Also...does anyone know what the horse-riding regulations are at the state parks? I thought it was only allowed at parks that have the designation logo listed for it on the website and signs indicating it is okay at the park. None of those exist at Kokosing State Park from what I have seen, yet the Amish think it is okay to ride their horses around in the park. This park is getting out of control...not one person asserts any rules or laws there...never once have I seen anyone of authority there. This sucks.