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All Good In The Hood


Senior Member
Athens County
Crazy stretch of time since my last post.

No, i wasnt at 'poker camp', 'the pokey', 'the pen', etc. ha.

Been a good couple months overall. Always a roller coaster, but thats life.

Overwhelmingly busy with work, wedding,family, and work. Avoided any total mental break downs, but came close a couple times. Ha.

Things finally becoming manageable.

About to be an uncle in a couple weeks, a husband in mid september, and a deer hunting machine in october.

My folks are moving down to asheville nc to help raise their first grand baby. Moms retiring in 2 weeks. Cant explain the feeling. Just like every family, we've all been througg a good amount of shit. To see my sister finally getting everything out of life she ever wanted and deserved is priceless. Top that off with my folks being able to be a part of it all. Man, its just unbelievable. Alot of tears of happiness. Gets me all choked up.

Add to that my up coming marriage to my best friend of 12+ years.... Fuck-en-a. Life be good

So Im back boys. Good little hiatus . Felt like i was trolling more then contributing before taking a breather. Got some major catching up to do on here !

Cams are starting to be deployed. Time to get the show on the road. Giddy up.

Sure i missed a ton of good stuff, hopefully not too much bad.

Lookin forward to getting back in the groove and seeing what everyones been up too .


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Welcome back Gordo. We were all talking this weekend and wondering where you've been. Glad to hear all is well on the homefront!


Senior Member
Athens County
Thanks guys. Sounds like the latest TOO gathering was another success. Im really looking forward to strouds.

During the hiatus i did catch up with moundy a couple times. Drank some beers with him and his folks. Great people.

Last time he dropped by we where tossing the Atlatl around the yard. Should have talin some pics. Those are a blast. I want to get a nicer set of spears(?). Getting efficient with one of those would b bad ass.

Thatll b coming to strouds with me for sure(obviously not to hint with) for everyone to tool around with


*Supporting Member*
good to see ya back man! I was getting ready to shoot ya a text here soon to see how ya are! Sounds like all is good!